Parental Alienation: Factors to Consider When Selecting a Mental Health Professional

Parental Alienation: Factors to Consider When Selecting a Mental Health Professional

If you are seeking an expert to help with a case of parental alienation/resist-refuse dynamics, there are several important factors to consider when selecting a mental health professional.

Finding the right mental health professional is a crucial step in addressing parental alienation and promoting healing and positive growth for the entire family.  They should have clear policies and procedures, and the professional should explain these to both parents and the child(ren) involved.  Here are some things to look for:

  • Training and Credentials: Look for a mental health professional who has received specific training in parental alienation/resist-refuse dynamics and family therapy.
  • Evidence-based Practices: Look for a mental health professional who uses evidence-based practices in their work with families, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, family systems therapy, or attachment-based therapy.
  • Collaborative Approach: Look for a mental health professional who is willing to work collaboratively with both parents and other professionals involved in the case. A collaborative approach can help to ensure that all perspectives are considered and that the best interests of the child are prioritized.
  • Court Experience: Look for a mental health professional who has experience testifying in court and is familiar with the legal and ethical standards of their profession.
  • Objectivity: Look for a mental health professional who is objective and unbiased in their approach and can provide an impartial assessment of the situation. Transparency among involved professionals should be the norm, and communication with others who are involved should occur regularly as to promote collaboration.
  • Continuing Education: Look for a mental health professional who engages in continuing education and stays up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in the field of parental alienation/resist-refuse dynamics.  They should be committed to ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Non-Blaming approach: Look for a mental health professional who takes a non-blaming approach to parental alienation/resist-refuse dynamics and avoids assigning blame or judgment to either parent.  They should be able to help both parents focus on the needs of the child and be solution focused.
  • Family-centered Approach: Look for a mental health professional who takes a family-centered approach to parental alienation/resist-refuse dynamics and recognizes that the entire family is usually impacted by the situation.  They should be able to help the family as a whole heal and recover, rather than focusing solely on the child or one parent.
  • Focus on Co-parenting: Look for a mental health professional who prioritizes co-parenting and can help both parents develop strategies for working together in the best interests of the child.  They should work to help parents set aside their differences and find common ground in their parenting approach.

Monika Logan is an owner and the Director of Texas Premier Counseling Services, PLLC (Texas PCS) located in Frisco, Texas. She specializes in Parental Alienation as well as troubled, damaged, and/or strained parent-child relationships. She provides counselling services for parents and their children in conflict and/or those struggling with issues related to separation and/or divorce. Ms. Logan offers Parenting Facilitation Services to help parents reduce conflict, and she helps repair parent-child relationship breaches as a Reunification Counselor.

Copyright © 2023 by Monika Logan, M.A., LPC, LSOTP

